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Our Services Just Got A Lot Easier To Manage

Many of our clients take advantage of our premium funding services. Spreading your insurance premiums over the annual period of the policy contract smooths out cash flow. Paying via a regular instalment plan is flexible, convenient, and helps make budgeting less cumbersome. Find more details is the download below.

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  • Increased Fire & Emergency Levy on Insurance Policies from 1 July 2024


    In New Zealand the firefighting services are funded by a tax, the Fire & Emergency Levy. This levy is added to the insurance premiums for personal and commercial property, motor vehicles, contract works and other insurance policies.

  • NZ General Insurance Market Update - June 2024


    As we approach the halfway point in 2024, we thought it would be an ideal time to update all of you on the current state of play within the general insurance market. We will also discuss the broader economic environment, our expectations for the next 6-12 months, ongoing risks to manage, and some helpful tips to navigate this insurance cycle and control costs.

  • From 1 July 2024 EQC becomes the Natural Hazards Commission.


    National Hazards Cover will operate under the Natural Hazards Insurance Act from 1 July 2024. Attached are details around this change and what cover you have. Coverage points remain similar and access to NH Cover is managed via your private insurance policy (Like house and contents policies)