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Burglars Don’t Take Holidays

With your summer holiday just around the corner now is the best time to check your doors, windows and locks to prevent a break-in and losing your important property. Many burglars who break into houses don’t actually break-in, they enter through unlocked doors and windows. Last year the Insurance Council of NZ reported there were about 3,100 burglary-related claims from private homes and commercial premises in New Zealand over the holiday period.

Here are some useful tips for preventing break-ins and burglaries:

  • Don’t advertise that you are away, it’s a good idea to have lights come on at night on a timer.
  • Ask a neighbour or friend to regularly clear your mail box.
  •  Install deadbolts on all exterior doors, including the internal door to the garage.
  • Ensure the windows and sliding doors have the correct locks fitted.
  • Keep the outside of your house well-lit to help reduce the risk of a break-in. Sensor lights are a good idea in this instance.
  • Ensure that all sheds and outbuildings are locked.
  • Keep your trees and shrubbery trimmed. An overgrown garden gives burglars more privacy.
  • If you have given a set of keys to people previously, i.e. tenants, change the locks.
  • Avoid hiding a key outside, instead leave a spare with a friend or trusted neighbour.
  • And finally, always lock your house, even if you are only going out for a short time.

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